Образовательный центр цифровых технологий
О центре
Cкорость научно-технологического прогресса и исчезновение определенных видов деятельности, связанное с проникновением автоматизации во все сферы производственных и управленческих процессов, являются факторами возможного роста для предприятий будущего. Цифровая интеграция, объединяющая научные направления, кадры, процессы, пользователей и данные, будет создавать условия для научно-технических достижений и прорывов, обеспечивая научно-экономические сдвиги в смежных отраслях и, прежде всего, на глобальном минерально-сырьевом рынке. В этой связи в 2018 году с целью обучения, исследований и разработок в области цифровых технологий для предприятий минерально-сырьевого и топливно-энергетического комплексов в Горном университете создан «Образовательный центр цифровых технологий».
Подробнее о задачах
Направления научных исследований
Данное направление предполагает рассмотрение интеллектуальных технологий управления электроэнергетическими системами, включая передачу электрической энергии, управление спросом на электрическую энергию, цифровые двойники объектов электроэнергетики, цифровые информационные модели электротехнических систем.
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В рамках данного направления ведется разработка новых методов мониторинга и управления на основе цифровых и информационных технологий, создание информационных систем для решения задач горной отрасли.
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Данное направление нацелено на развитие и популяризацию инженерного образования, повышение цифровых компетенций сотрудников и обучающихся, а также реализацию программ дополнительного профессионального образования для представителей компаний ТЭК и МСК.
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Данное направление предполагает исследование и обоснование комплексных показателей эффективности генерации, транспорта и потребления энергии при снабжении от традиционных и возобновляемых источников энергии с учетом влияния глобальных вызовов и вариации внешних факторов.
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В рамках данного направления проводятся исследования, направленные на повышение эффективности оборудования и технологических процессов добычи, переработки и транспортировки полезных ископаемых.
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Научные публикации

Augmented reality system and maintenance of oil pumps

Ключевые слова:Augmented reality | Digitalisation | Maintenance | Oil pump
Дата публикации: 2020-08-01
Журнал: International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications
Авторы: Koteleva, N, Buslaev, G, Valnev, V, Kunshin, A.



Qualification of employees who operate technological processes directly influences the safety of production. However, the employees’’ qualification cannot completely exclude human factor.
Today, there are many technologies that can minimize or eliminate human factor impact on production safety ensuring. The augmented reality technology is an example of this technology.
Nowadays, the augmented reality technologies and industrial technologies integration process moves to a new level of development. These technologies have huge experience, which has been accumulated in a long period of time. -This new level turns available by this experience combination and integration; it brings additional profit to the enterprise and can be a basis for completely new technologies. This paper shows an example of combination of augmented reality technology and oil pumps maintenance. For researching of efficiency of augmented reality system for oil pump maintenance, the laboratory unit with Grundfos vertical electric centrifugal pump (CR15-4 A-FGJ-AE-HQQE) was used. The laboratory unit is a physical model of one of the continuous oil processes. The oil pump of this laboratory unit is object of this research. The algorithm of servicing of oil pump was developed. The test of system and algorithms were carried out with four groups of people: the first one had only instructions to use on hand, the second one only used the internal recommendations of the system, the third one used only the help of an expert, and the fourth used internal recommendations and, if necessary, contacted the expert. The results show the efficiency and actuality of augmented reality technology for maintenance of industrial equipment, especially for the equipment operated in remote Arctic conditions.

About increasing informativity of diagnostic system of asynchronous electric motor by extracting additional information from values of consumed current parameter

Дата публикации: 2018-05-22
Журнал: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Авторы: Zhukovskiy, Y, Korolev, N, Koteleva, N.

This article is devoted to expanding the possibilities of assessing the technical state of the current consumption of asynchronous electric drives, as well as increasing the information capacity of diagnostic methods, in conditions of limited access to equipment and incompleteness of information. The method of spectral analysis of the electric drive current can be supplemented by an analysis of the components of the current of the Park's vector. The research of the hodograph evolution in the moment of appearance and development of defects was carried out using the example of current asymmetry in the phases of an induction motor. The result of the study is the new diagnostic parameters of the asynchronous electric drive. During the research, it was proved that the proposed diagnostic parameters allow determining the type and level of the defect. At the same time, there is no need to stop the equipment and taky it out of service for repair. Modern digital control and monitoring systems can use the proposed parameters based on the stator current of an electrical machine to improve the accuracy and reliability of obtaining diagnostic patterns and predicting their changes in order to improve the equipment maintenance systems. This approach can also be used in systems and objects where there are significant parasitic vibrations and unsteady loads. The extraction of useful information can be carried out in electric drive systems in the structure of which there is a power electric converter.

The investigation of the influence of thermomechanical treatment of the material of rotary cutter bit toolholders on its hardness

Дата публикации: 2017-03-01
Журнал: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Авторы: Chupin, S.A, Bolobov, V.I.

The causes of failure of the tangential rotary cutter bits of the road header during stonedrift in rocks of medium strength are analyzed in the article. It was revealed that the most typical cause of failure of cutter bits is premature wear of the toolholder (body) of the cutter bit. It is well known that the most effective way to improve the wear resistance is to increase hardness. The influence of the thermomechanical treatment of the material of the cutter bit toolholder on its hardness is studied. It was established that the thermomechanical treatment of the cutter bit toolholder material results in the increase of its hardness. It was found that the increase of material hardness is proportional to the increase of material strain intensity during thermomechanical treatment. It was concluded that the use of thermomechanical treatment can lead to the increase of both the hardness and wear resistance of the cutter bit material.
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Отзывы партнёров
"Together with the Educational Center of Digital Technologies at St. Petersburg Mining University, we have been collaborating for several years to shape fundamental and applied challenges and ideas for the digitalisation of the mining industry."
"We are very glad to be part of the process that the Educational Center of Digital Technologies at St. Petersburg Mining University is engaged in. We are confident that this centre can become an assembly point for all those new solutions that will bring the mining industry to a new level."
The Committee for the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Leningrad Region expresses its gratitude to you for your support in holding the Festival and organising an informative exposition of the enterprise aimed at attracting the young generation to the fuel and energy complex profession.
Thanks to your efforts, we will be able to further educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity in the field of energy saving.
We hope for further fruitful co-operation in the field of energy saving.
On behalf of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, we would like to express our gratitude to the WeWatt team of young researchers for the great and necessary work for the industry, done under your leadership on a proactive and pro bono basis.
The results of this study will serve as a basis for further work in this area and will be useful to coal companies in carrying out digital transformation of production facilities, contributing to the effective and successful achievement of the goal.
Institute for Problems of Integrated Subsoil Development, Dmitry Klebanov
Leonid Zhukov, Director of SITECH Division of Zeppelin Rusland Ltd.
Committee for Fuel and Energy Complex, Chairman of the Committee Y.V. Andreev
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

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